AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011

Aurigene to participate in AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011 in Orlando, Florida, USA. Conference Link : https://www.aacr.org/home/scientists/meetings–workshops/aacr-annual-meeting-2012/previous-annual-meetings/annual-meeting-2011/program.aspx

Keystone Symposia: Evolving Approaches to Early-Stage Drug Discovery

Aurigene to participate in Keystone Symposia: Evolving Approaches to Early-Stage Drug Discovery in Utah, USA Conference Link : https://www.keystonesymposia.org/meetings/viewPastMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=1093&CFID=3977659&CFTOKEN=42645832

47th ASCO Annual Meeting

Aurigene tp participate in 47th ASCO Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois. Conference Link : https://chicago2011.asco.org/

10th World Congress on Inflammation

Aurigene to participate in 10th World Congress on Inflammation in Paris. Conference Link : https://www.inflammation2011.com/

ACA: Autoimmunity Congress Asia

Aurigene to participate in ACA: Autoimmunity Congress Asia in Singapore. Conference link : https://www2.kenes.com/aca/pages/home.aspx

51st ICAAC conference

Aurigene to participate in the 51st ICAAC conference, in Chicago, Illinois Conference link: https://www.icaac.org/